jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

¿Por qué escribo en Inglés?

 No me gusta la moda del Inglés. Cuando veo una marca o el nombre de una empresa en Inglés pienso en paletos horteras o en gente resignada que no tiene mas remedio que adaptarse al cutrerío ambiente.

Pero el Inglés es el Latin moderno, una lingua franca. Si escribo en ingles, llego a mas gente. Por otro lado, los paletos de aqui se creen que dices algo más importante de lo que sería si lo dijeras en Español..

Ademas los problemas de aqu que a mi me interesan son los mismos que en toda Europà y todo Occidente en general. 

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Crisis, falta de confianza, cohesión y otras cosas

la falta de confianza es una protección ante la crisis, no es el detonante de la misma

En Libertad Digital

Del "Sin compromisos" de la burbuja, al "Juntos la vida es mas" de la crisis. Este cambio de eslóganes de las compañías telefónicas ilustra un cambio real en la sociedad. Si durante la burbuja hay menos compromisos y más riesgos, durante la crisis los lazos familiares se refuerzan y las compañías se concentran en retener a los clientes actuales en lugar de buscar otros nuevos. Existen razones de sentido común que lo explican: cuando no hay dinero los hijos regresan a casa, hay menos divorcios y las compañías aseguran el mercado que ya tienen. Pero eso solo explica el aspecto económico del caso. No explica por qué la familia se quiere más y las empresas "quieren" más a los clientes. Ese efecto psicológico se puede explicar si se piensa que la mente del ser humano activa distintas estrategias dependiendo de cómo le va la vida


domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Las elecciones ya han tenido lugar

Estamos a  la espera de que los llamados "cuiadanos" elijan en Noviembre el 10% de los asientos de las cámaras entre los candidatos a la cola de las listas electorales. Por supuesto las listas de candidatos son elaboradas por la clase dirigente, con lo que desde ya, se aseguran de haber sentado por el procedimiento digital ya en sus escaños al 90% de los representantes, a  un mes de las elecciones.

Pero muchos idiotas estomagantes hablarán de Democracia y de "Nosotros los Demócratas". No se pierdan el espectáculo cutre y de mal gusto, que es lo que se lleva en este fangal.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

More on the Feminization of the West

There are many authors that speculate about the feminization of the West. The mention of this topic is a sure guaranty of deserving the label of right wing extremist, that very fact is, indeed,  no more no less than a hint about the deep feminization of our societies.

However the feminization phenomenon is treated tangentially, among other traits in the contemporary West. There is no focus and no deep analysis of what feminization means. Here I will speculate based on the insights given by Evolutionary Psychology (EP) to asses what the predominance of femenine psychology in our society , what are their effects, and why.

With the exception of the hardworking ideologues of the ruling class, every one know that men and woman are different. This is universal across cultures and times. Because the human child is born defenseless and women invest 9 months in giving it birth, women are the ones that loose disproportionately more invested effort than men when a son die. This makes women to focus on child care. child care imposes strong requirements and determines the rest of the woman psychology. Due to the very long time that child rearing requires upto the puberty, the age at which the child naturally detach from the mother, woman must avoid their own death at all costs. This makes  risk avoidance an universal trait of woman in relation with men. This is true even if she does not have children, since she must be alive to have them in the future. In the other side, a man can have children even 9 months after its own death. A risky man can have many children in a short period of time before dying. A woman could have at most a dozen children in its entire reproductive period. In the primitive conditions this number would be much less. Risk avoidance is the most importan trait in woman psychology determined by child rearing, other minor traits are associated with rish avoidance: Dirt is a serious risk for humans because it spread illnesses. This is specially true for children. Dirt avoidance and cleaning in women is a consequence of child rearing and risk avoidance.  Gathering of vegetables instead of hunting is the feeding strategy preferred by ancient women, imposed by risk avoidance. Gathering imposes other trait as well: discrimination of colors and other visual system specializations. Orientation based on hints in the terrain is another trait.  Men in the other side has lower risk avoidance. A good hunter and/or warrior can have many women that would give birth to many children even if in the course of his live it is wounded many times and die. Men run along larguer territories for hunting and war. There are other traits in men that help them to secure its kin and it is politics. A good organizer would have more women and children. But this is not the only thing.  Preservation of the group is the main purpose of the political instincts. Selection operates across generations. There's no success in a man who have many children but these children do not survive to be parents or if their sons or if so, they don't survive to be parents as well.  The group is the safe haven where future generations of kin will live: sons, small brothers, nieces, grandsons and so on. The strength of the group is the purpose of the political-religious instinct. And this is a very strong instinct. This is rather a trait of men rather than of women.  Men are in disposition to give its live for the group. Women not so much . The reason is simple.

 War among primitive people is about obtaining women and territory. And is abut keeping its own woman and territory from the attack of other men. kidnapping is no the only reason why women move from its home group; genetic variability gives stronger children. This is is also a reason why women move to other groups. For this reason women prefer foreign people over the locals. Finally alliances of groups is another reason why women abandon their home group. All these reasons are present in chimpanzees. In the other side, men are not kindnapped but killed in war. The net effect are two very different political psichologies in men and woman:  Men are very long term oriented when thinking about its group. Their biological investment, that is, their masculine kin and most of the femenine, stay in the group where it has born. The current and future strength of their group is a guarantee for current and future strengh of their biológical investment. Most of their concerns are about politics, ideology and/or religion, all related with their group present and future. They will risk their lives in actions that would preserve the group.

Women are not political animals. When Aristoteles said its famous phrase, he was talking about males. Woman are not group oriented. Specially in the early years after puberty. As I said, the femenine psychology was shaped in a primitive past where they were born in a group but probably they moved to other group with other culture probably other religious rites. Even today, she will marry with a man with different religion/ideology. So they must  absorb and accommodate fast and acritically. Fashion-sensibility is the psychological mechanism that woman have to assimilate a change in culture. Under fashion-sesibility, only external signs of sucessful people are imitated. Modern commercial centers are an exploitation of femenine traits of risk avidance (indoor), gathering behaviour (supermarket style stores, colors) and fashion sensibility. It can be observed that  the fashion sensibility in women declines not with age exactly but more so with the number of children while their political awareness increase at the same time. This may be due to the increased biológical investment that the woman deposit in the group with each new family member.  The more kin the woman have, the more the long term interests of women will be similar to men. Even in these circunstances, Men invest more in the big group. They are more prone to fanaticism in one side or rational criticism of the organization of the group, while women are more shallow supporters. Both sexes have a division of labor in managing goals: Men usually are very shot and very long term goal managers, but they are very bad with medium term goals. Men, when alone, live in risk, disorder dirt and improvisation, while at the same time invest a great effort in group activities such are football club, politics and  philosophy. Women excel at what men lack. they invest more in practical short to medium term goals in the care for their men and kin.  For this reason the human couple and the human family is itself a adaptive unity.

Now, let´s return to the question of feminization . The feminization happens via two main mechanism, first the increased political power of woman trough universal sufrage and due to the feminist ideology in power. The Feminism is a consequence of the marxist mindset that put the concept of liberation of the forefront of the western trough. As I have show this concept of liberation is a perverted vision of society, since society is a consequence of human nature and the natural differences between men and women. It is not an artificial enslavement of anyone. Liberation mindset aims naturally at the destruction of the current society, and feminism is, among others, its stronger tool.

The other mechanism is the increased buying power of childless working woman that buy mainly for themselves with its compulsory gathering behaviour. The market reinforces these femenine lifestyles trough advertising. This reach all the society. The marketing amplifies whatever mainstream mindset, in this case, Cultural Marxism and feminism. The consequences of the advent of women to power in a context of low birth rate are the traits of childless woman: risk avoidance, lack of awareness for the future of the society, unwillingnes to protect it, shallow minded living, triumph of aesthetics, random changes in attitudes, open borders, multiculturality Rejection of long term political and religious ideals. All of this makes us an easy target for the predation of men dominated groups.

La civilización contra los instintos tribales

en Libertad Digital

La civilización se ha construido en contra de la tribu. Es fundamental que la lealtad a la Sociedad esté muy por encima de la lealtad a las tribus. Para comprender ese peligro, solo hace falta pensar en un juez que ponga los intereses de su partido, clan o casta por encima de su lealtad al cumplimiento de la Ley. Seguramente este ejemplo no suena muy lejano al lector. El dominar las tribus es el obstáculo con que se topa todo intento de establecer el Estado de Derecho en países tercermundistas. La mentalidad tribal siempre tiende a corromper y fragmentar la civilización cuando la lealtad a una idea política o religiosa por encima de las tribus se debilita.


jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

The shape of things to come

Obama wants Europe to manufacture no-repayable money to help Greece because, if this is so, Bernarke can accelerate its fabrications of dollars without being noticed. I think that there is a massive devaluation of currencies coming. The purchasing power of households and productive companies are moving to failed countries and irresponsible financial institutions. All of this happens now without the need to make laws or create new taxes. It is a on-going full-scale theft. But, because all countries do with their currencies, the effect is that the relative currency exchange does not change much.

As this new money is being used to fill holes that where created with the collapse of housing prices in the banks (but the holes in the households and businesses have been left aside).  this freshmoney has not entered the market and does not generate much domestic inflation. But sooner or later come out and display the huge loss of purchasing power via hyperinflation.

The final effect is a massive withdrawal of wealth from the productive economy into intervened unproductive sectors in the hands of bureaucracies. This is something that even Alex Jones would have dared to imagine. The natural consequence will be an increase of socialism, condemned, once more, to failure in the middle term. There is nothing  unknown here for a survivor of the previous Great Crisis.

The resulting turmoil can not be good for the stability of the democratic regimes. There is no perspective of classical war in the early XX century after-crisis style. That war will not occur because the loyalties of politicians and bankers are class oriented, not nationally oriented;  In the global age, bankers or politicians have more ties to colleges of other countries than with his fellow citizens. Specially if they are on the left. Whathever they do will be for the perpetuation of themselves, and war is not in their interests. The proof is that now there is no competitive devaluation of currencies, but a coordination to inflate the currencies, except for some temporary disagreements.

Instead of war I see calls for an accelerated globalism. And the claims for more centralized economic power in Europe is the beginning. Apart from the financial dictatorship, we already have, this trend must have no other end than a dictatorship. This is very good for the multicultural elite in its efforts in the obliteration of national democracies.

Right now I think that Greece is not rescued for economic reasons, but for political ones. It is for the continuation of the globalist agenda of the global elite. Whenever the withdrawal of power or money to the central EU institution where consulted to the citizens, they have said no. This never stopped the politicians. The latest move has been in the German parliament, which has voted for the increase of the un-repayable rescue package for Greece, against public German opinion. Global elites instincts know that having a mechanism for the international redistribution of wealt in a socialist-populist EU with grateful beggars in the South is the best for its interests.

If the evolution of the current crisis is parallel to that of 29's, the perspective is for civil wars instead of wars between nations. Don´t discard the worst.