martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011
Mensaje personal a los diputados europeos
Hazte Oir me comunica que los diputados de la UE van a votar una resolución a favor del Aborto. Tienen una página para enviar un correo a los diputados españoles. Al que se puede añadir un mensaje personal. Este es el mío.
Para complementar el muy deficiente sistema de representación política de nuestro país, le informo que usted no está autorizado a votar eso en mi nombre ninguna resolución a favor del Aborto.
Tómese en serio lo que dicen sus representados. Recuerde que la capacidad que tienen ustedes, la clase política de regir a su antojo un país con tan deficientes canales de representación, como el nuestro, tiene un limite que ahora mismo está a punto de sobrepasarse con resultados imprevisibles y dolorosos.
No piense que en la UE está usted, su nómina y su familia a salvo a costa de las nuestras. El hartazgo con la actitud ecofascista, antihumana y económicamente inoperante de la UE, como sabe está llegando tambien a su nivel máximo de tolerancia.
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viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011
Religión evolución y cognición. Una solución
Este es mi comentario dejado en Metafísica de la materia (entrevista a Manuel Carreira) , un astrofísico y teólogo, en La nueva Ilustración Evolucionista:
La actividad del cerebro, la mente, crea una consciencia compartida. Lo que se comparten son símbolos con los que formamos parte de una sociedad. Algunos simbolos son innatos porque han sido definidos por la evolucion: la noción de persona,de animal, de cosa etc. y simbolos culturales: mesa, coche, España, Alá.
Sin esa simbología compartida y comunicable es imposible la supervivencia en sociedad.
Pero esos simbolos existen fuera, en el mundo fisico ajeno a cualquier mente? No. Una persona es un agregado de moleculas que para una gallina es simplemente un depredador y para un León es una fuente de proteinas. No hay nada inherente a una persona que no dependa de un cerebro-mente que lo perciba y procese, y dependiendo de la arquitectura cerebral, fruto de la evolución, una persona será una cosa, otra o nada.
Una persona entonces como cualquier otro objeto material es un agregado de atomos ¿Y que es un atomo? siguiendo asi llegamos a los objetos matematicos de la teoría M de las supercuerdas.
Por tanto el mundo objetivo, la objetividad tan cacareada de la ciencia no se puede remitir mas que a un mundo ciego y frio inhabitable de matematicas, que no tiene ningún sentido para la vida de las personas. Todo lo demás, incluidos los átomos, no son mas que simbolos mentales, cuya realidad última en el mundo exterio es solo matemática, como mucho. No existe esa realidad externa, en un sentido literal. si por existencia nos referimos a lo que cada dia tocamos y de acuerdo con lo cual actuamos. Lo que existe realmente de esa realidad externa son los simbolos mentales que procesamos y comunicamos, mas otros simbolos que inherentemente mentales que no tienen reflejo, en último término "matemático" en el mundo fisico : la felicidad, el enfado, una teoría etc. O mitad y mitad. España, un personaje histórico etc.
Es Dios un simbolo innato con coloraciones culturales o es cultural? ¿Tiene reflejo último en esa realidad externa? que importa. Lo que importa es que existe, o no existe, lo mismo que existe, o no existe España, o una mesa. La mente vive en ese mundo social de simbolos y se organiza con los demás para que el cuerpo material pueda sobrevivir en ese mundo de ahi afuera frio y matemático.
Respetemos esos simbolos, porque han sido diseñados por la evolución biocultural para que sobrevivamos. Estudiemos su utilidad y su sentido y respetemoslos. Y lo mas importante, lo que desconocemos es mucho mas de lo que sabemos. Dios es lo incognoscible. un respeto a lo desconocido quizá es muy parecido a un culto a Dios. Eso nos libra de un culto al Lider que lo sabe todo. El que conoce de verdad la evolución sabe que ésta es un proceso holista, que opera a muchos niveles y a muchos plazos, por tanto es imposible saberlo todo sobre la organización de la realidad. En concreto los productos mas refinados, El ser Humano y la sociedad humana, son cosas imposibles de abarcar con el conocimiento.
Si es verdad que por naturaleza tenemos una tendencia al culto a algo, como asi parece, entonces el culto a ese Dios lejano de lo desconocido nos mantiene esa tendencia a cerrarnos en el culto ocupada y por tanto nos mantiene en busca de la verdad y nos libra de caer en lo que el increyente cae continuamente: en el culto al estado, a la nación, el culto a la ciencia, el culto al deporte o cualquier otra tontería. Todos los simbolos sirven para algo. Quizá por eso en el religioso cristiano hay una búsqueda de la verdad insaciable, pero no por conocer si descendemos de los cynodontes o el mecanismo de articulación de las patas de las moscas, sino sobre aquello que es mas elevado, sobre las preguntas últimas acerca del ser humano la sociedad y su finalidad y sentido, siguiendo las palabras de San Agustín, que aplica muy bien a esos que se creen que el saber consiste en conocer un monton de curiosidades: "En el estudio de lo creado, uno no debe ejercer una vana y perecedera curiosidad, sino ascender hacia lo que es inmortal y eterno". Y precisamente el desprecio de los simbolos filosóficos y religiosos. El desprecio del mundo del Espiritu, en resumen está detrás de la infantilización y la crisis de la sociedad.
Otra cosa: El enfoque neurológico puede ser una ayuda pero, como ya le he dicho a Germánico muchas veces, me parece inadecuado para entender cualquier cosa referente a cuestiones humanas. Una cosa es el nivel cerebral y otra cosa es el nivel mental. La actividad del cerebro, la mente es una cosa distinta las activaciones de las neuronas del cerebro.
La analogia es completa cuando lo comparamos con aprender informática: cuando alguien aprende a usar un ordenador, lo que aprende son los programas que tiene y como usarlos, no se dedica a colocar un medidor de voltaje en cada conexión del ordenador y teclea combinaciones de teclas y programas para intentar extraer información sobre que es un ordenador.
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011
¿Por qué las mujeres sufren depresión cuando abortan?
Declarado de utilidad pública para combatir la progreza: ¿Por qué las mujeres sufren depresión si abortan?
En Libertad Digital
... Si perder a un cliente puede llevar a una pequeña empresa a un cambio de estrategia o a cerrar el negocio para no dañar el patrimonio familiar, entonces la muerte de un hijo aun no nacido puede llevar a una profunda depresión, al arrepentimiento o al suicidio, que son las estrategias equivalentes para preservar el capital genético-social que maneja, en lo más profundo, la mente humana.
viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011
Why women like bags and shoes but only eurasian girls like horses? An evolutionary hypothesis
Why girls, at least the European girls, like horses?. Horses were domesticated in central Asia 4000 years ago. My hypothesis is that horse domestication was such a great improvement in the well being of these ancient tribes that the girls that were attracted to horses and thus to live with men who used domesticated horses had far more offspring, so whatever genetic inclination to perceive horses as beautiful were selected. This selection may have occurred in the few thousand years from horse domestication up to now because the selection was strong enough. This fast selection requires that the locus of this horse inclination must be codified in one or two alleles, This case is similar to the lactose tolerance. Although the former is a psychological tendency rather than a physiological one, like the latter, this does not make any significant difference, in the light of Evolutionary psychology, that postulates that behavioral tendencies have also a genetic basis. (although EP is interested in universal (species-specific) tendencies rather that differential ones like this).
Then, why men do not enjoy horses so much? Men enjoy horses in a different way. My hypothesys is that boys enjoyed horses more as if they were tools. The enjoyment that a young boy had 2000 years ago with a domesticated horse was the same that a modern boy could have with the ability to handle a car, a videogame or a programming language. Tools are everywhere and playing with tools is an instinct with no defined target (variation of tools in ancient times may have forced such instinct generality) . In the other side, Girls have no such inclination for tools, so natural selection operated with other inclinations: Aestethics. Aesthetics is salient in women.
The aesthetic selection is perhaps responsible also for the universal aesthetic pleasure in woman for bags and shoes. Bags and shoes have an evident usefulness for the gathering activities that women have carried out for millions of years. Humankind lived from the beginning in groups of meat hunting men and vegetable gathering women. Usefulness of bags for gathering is evident. And shoes were necessary because grass may hide dangerous small animals. So while all women like bags and shoes, only Indo-european girls suffered the selection for horse aestetic enjoyment. So the explanation predict that neither black nor native american neither Austronesians girls like horses in an statistically significant way. Far Oriental and african arabic girls must be half way, while all of them enjoy bags and shoes.
Enjoyment of horses may peak at pubescence and decay after because this age was the right for stable couple formation in the past.
Are you a pretty native non eurasian girl? Did you liked horses at childhood?.
Some considerations as consequence of a discussion in the facebook site of the Online Evolutionary Psychology Magazine
0 - Remark about the innate horse taste hipotesis in women
1- the adaptive advantage in woman preference for horses
2- Possible experiment design to refute the hypothesis
3- summary of hypotesis involved
4 - some evolutionary reasoning about why the sexual specialization for tool enjoyinh/playing/investment in males versus aesthetic enjoyment in females.
5 - About the evolutionary reason behind fashion psychology in women
0 - Remark about the innate horse taste hipotesis in women:
The adaptive adavantage in woman preference for horses when some men had domesticated horses and others do not is evident for me. Moreover, this does not imply the evolution of a new "like horses instinct" but the modulation of an already aestetic instinc in woman that make them being attracted to bags, shoes and maybe equally dressed (uniformed) men and other expression of personal and/or collective masculine power that are invariants across (at least) primitive cultures (see justification below). This "modulation for horse taste in women must involve a single gene mutation, just like the lactosa tolerance. Cattle domestication for milk production is as new as horse domestication (early neolithic), and still lactosa tolerance has evolved two or three times independently in eurasia.
1- the adaptive advantage in woman innate preference for horses
Not only horse men would have choose woman who like horses, but the women will choose these men, simply making themselves visible to these men. Also, mothers will choose these men as couples for their dauthters and so on. The advantages of having domesticated horses must have been very high.
2- Possible experiment design to refute the conjecture
The best way to test the differences of innate taste for horses between eurasian/non eurasian girls can be tested asking non eurasian girls educated in an eurasian culture for their taste for horses, and the oposite, asking eurasian girls living in cultures with no horses. That way the cultural bias can be discarded.
3- summary of hypotesis involved
The hypothesis implies that there is an evolutionary explanation for the women's taste of bags, shoes and perhaps other things. And also that horses were added to the list by a single mutation a few thousand years ago. It implies that men like horses as they would like any tool, for the pleasure of achieving things with them. All of them are very strong hypothesis. I find some support for the aesthetic versus tool use in women/men from informal gathering of opinions about horses in both sexes. (And also the fact that men enjoy tools, while woman enjoy aesthetics) . Evolutionary justification below:
4 - some evolutionary reasoning about why the sexual specialization for tool enjoyinh/playing/investment in males versus aesthetic enjoyment in females.
This is perhaps the deeper hipothesis and the basis for all the rest. The fact that it explain some facts about the different psichology of men and women, this need a justification. In my opinion, EP lacks theoretical research about social human adaptations that has payments in the long term. Like chimpanzees, along the evolutionary history boys stayed in their society while girls moved, as consequence of pacific or violent encounters with other human groups. As a consequence, selection in men for behaviours that inprove his own group at an individual cost may be stronger. Because men stay in their society, cultural transmission is in the hands and shoulders of them. Therefore, long term, even costy activities with multigeneration-wide payment could be selected. tool research, such are animal domestication (that may be dangerous and not necessary sucessful) may imply a big payment because the potential benefit may be huge across many descendants that may inherit the cultural advantage.
While men could have transmited a capital of adquired knowledge to their descendants such are knowledge, tools and political institutions , women could not. They must have been adapted to different groups, so if they needed the way to select invariants across groups that helped them to survive in their activities such is gathering, rearing children and before that, to choose (or be receptive to) the most resourceful men. I conjecture that this is the precise role of the aestetic instinct or set of instincts. This instinct by its own function must be stable enough to fix invatiants, like the universal utility od bags and shoes for gathering, but flexible enough to make use of local chages, being them climatic specificities or innovations such is horse domestication.
5 - About the evolutionary reason behind fashion psychology in women
This aestethic instinct includes also rapid adaptations however: fashion in women is an obvious adaptation to moving from group to group in ancestral times. This habit has a peack at adolescence, the age where primitive women switched groups.
5 - About the evolutionary reason behind fashion psychology in women
This aestethic instinct includes also rapid adaptations however: fashion in women is an obvious adaptation to moving from group to group in ancestral times. This habit has a peack at adolescence, the age where primitive women switched groups.
miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011
¿Es esta gran crisis producida por Internet?
Si fuera Enrique Dans, diría que esta es la Gran Crisis de la era de Internet, donde la rapidez de las comunicaciones han llevado a la deslocalización y el consiguente abaratamiento de bienes mueble y servicios tan enorme que los bienes inmuebles han absorbido el capital sobrante resultado de ese abaratamiento y de los bajísimos tipos de los bancos centrales en el Primer Mundo sin aumento aparente en la ioflación.
Como consecuencia, se ha creado una euforia por la subida de los inmuebles (en poder de los occidentales en Occidente) y el coste irrisorio de los muebles, fabricados en Asia. El primero es una burbuja, el segundo, el mercado de los bienes muebles y los servicios, está aqui para quedarse: Es el imperio Low Cost, con bajos beneficios, bajo coste de reproducción y transporte de mercancias una vez diseñadas. Pero tiambien un alto valor añadido y altos beneficios de bienes unicos y poco repetibles o innovadores. Un ejemplo es el auge del teatro y el hundimiento del cine. O los altos beneficios de un nuevo modelo de telefono cuya ventaja competitiva desaparece solo en un año. O también el auge y caida de redes sociales. Todo ello producido por Internet.y el desmadre crediticio de los bancos centrales.
jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011
Ornitologia para Progres
Que tiene que aprender Perez Reverte de la conducta reproductiva de las aves voladoras? Mucho. Por estos dias se enciende por le hecho de que muchas mujeres en el Islam quieran llevar velo voluntariamente.
Las hembras de las aves voladoras, por restricciones adaptativa son incapaces de criar sin la ayuda de un macho lo cual fuerza por seleccion natural unas estrategias de conducta selectiva y sumisa en el caso de las hembras y una estrategia vigilante de la hembra en los machos.
Por extraño que parezca, esas estrategias, son esquemáticamente, las mismas en las mujeres y hombres respectivamente, ya que en el caso del ser humano, las mujeres tampoco pueden criar hijos sin ayuda. Seres humanos y aves voladoras (no las gallinas, por ejemplo) son de las pocas especies que forman parejas duraderas por la necesidad de colaborar para sacar adelante sus vástagos, que son demasiado débiles.
Como resultado, en este articulo se explica no solo que las mujeres musulmanas quieran de buen grado llevar un velo, sino incluso practicar la ablación del clitoris cuando ser juntan el Islam, la poligamia y el nomadismo.
en Libertad Digital Ahí dentro se explica todo esto.
Las hembras de las aves voladoras, por restricciones adaptativa son incapaces de criar sin la ayuda de un macho lo cual fuerza por seleccion natural unas estrategias de conducta selectiva y sumisa en el caso de las hembras y una estrategia vigilante de la hembra en los machos.
Por extraño que parezca, esas estrategias, son esquemáticamente, las mismas en las mujeres y hombres respectivamente, ya que en el caso del ser humano, las mujeres tampoco pueden criar hijos sin ayuda. Seres humanos y aves voladoras (no las gallinas, por ejemplo) son de las pocas especies que forman parejas duraderas por la necesidad de colaborar para sacar adelante sus vástagos, que son demasiado débiles.
Como resultado, en este articulo se explica no solo que las mujeres musulmanas quieran de buen grado llevar un velo, sino incluso practicar la ablación del clitoris cuando ser juntan el Islam, la poligamia y el nomadismo.
en Libertad Digital Ahí dentro se explica todo esto.
martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011
Multicultural re-engineering in Catalonia
As in the Republic, the figure of the informer is back to the forefront of Catalan life. Barcelona City Council has trained 436 volunteer "anti rumors" citizens to combat negative stereotypes about immigrants in the framework of the Barcelona "Red antrumores" (anti-rumors network).
The initiative is part of the consistory Intercultural Plan to combat "negative and baseless rumors that hinder coexistence in diversity," from the task of a network of social institutions that promote the figure of anti-rumors agent.
The notice continues: "There have been 150 hours of training to 18 different groups, where there has been a total of 600 people registered. Of these, 436 have already been certified antirumores agent. The volunteers always use rigorous and objective information to clear misperceptions that immigrants and monopolize social benefits do not pay taxes, receive grants to open shops, collapse or abuse the emergency health services. With official statistics, trying to invalidate every one of the rumors"
Strategy Agency antirumores BCN edited much of the material for dissemination to the public, in addition to a website and a YouTube channel.
An example of "rigurous and objective information" against the rumor "Inmigrants make us lose identity" is answered with the eart-shaking fact that some food and musical traditions of Catalonia are not born in Catalonia. It seems that the identity horizont of these localist, but objective, idiots do not go farther than what can be enclosed in a bar. In any case not farter than the hills of Montserrat.
The modern idiot take official data as if it were word of Jeovah, but in fact it is propaganda. So, using data from official propaganda, the ruling class tries to import voters and indoctrinate the natives to accept the destruction of the only thing that prevents the ruling class to achieve absolute power: the native indentity, that includes institutions like the Rule of Law, Justice, Christian moral compassion (not state-regulated compassion), Christian appeal to the individual responsability, equality of opportunities (not of outcomes), Christian dignity of the individual (not state-granted dignity). Reason (not consensual lies). And our history, an european history of resistance, although not ever sucessful, against internal and external despotic rulers. Still may you wonder why they want to erase our History?. These, and many others, are the parts of our identity that matters. These things keep our humanity, our prosperity and the freedom that we have managed to achieve. Without the former ones we are loosing the latter ones, as you can see day by day. They are being erased by the ruling class, not only by importing their voters, but by active destruction and/or distortion of our institutions and rewriting our history.
The destruction of our identity is a necessary step for the construction o f the new dictatorship of the global elite and their local branches. In the case of the EU, The multicultural socialist republic of Europe. In the case of Catalonia, the multicultural-monolingual Great Catalonia.
While they neutralize our institutions, the ruling class imports apparently docile Africans and Asians. These kind of immigrants are accustomed to live under despots that come and go, so our rulers think they could domesticate them easier than us. In their immense hatred of our true culture of individual autonomy, they use the submissive culture of Islam to diminish ours. Any resistance is beforehand labeled as racism and ignorance, as the above anti-rumor brigade loudly suggest.
Any direct proof of this? Yes. While in Catalonia every third word immigrant is welcomed and its traditions respected and protected by even this kind of fifth column, in the other side, the immigrants of the rest of Spain are attacked. while spanish is one of the two official language in Catalonia by constitutional law, they can not label their businesses in Spanish. They have no school where its children can learn in their native language. Anything resembling Spanish culture is debased. "Official" may be a very elastic word. It may mean "whatever is of interest for the ruling class".
Spanish culture is attacked not because it is against Catalan culture because the latter is a little branch of the former. A little branch of european culture in any case. Spanish culture is attacked because it represent the past traditions and institutions, including the ones of Catalonia. Attacking Spanish culture they also erase the Catalonian culture (except the language) and construct its new multicultural society without the native Catalonians taking notice of it.
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