Parent-offspring conflict must be understood as a mechanism for reaching an optimum equilibrium between short-term (children) and long-term(parents) strategies within an extended family, where the family work as a multilevel unit of selection that remain as a subject of evolution across generations. This wider reformulation explains in detail the unexplained alimentary habits in children. This hypothesis has profound educational implications, since parent investment in repression of children and teenage behaviour is not only non-counterproductive but a necessary and unavoidable part of education of a non-sociopathic personality.
Why children like to eat sugars and carbohydrates while the parents have a hard time trying to make their children to eat the stick or some vegetables?. Why the teenagers fall in love with couples that are not good for them, while parents usually prefer, as couples for their sons, not so good looking but economically solvent, tender boys and girls ?
Donald Symons in "The evolution of human sexuality " gives a explanation of the second: the young people are so passionate because, in the evolutionary past, up to a few generations ago, they had their parents to moderate them. The sons will try to have dangerous adventures, that will increase the number or the quality of their offspring, while the parents will try to maintain them in stable long term relationship that will benefit the extended family as a whole. It seems that both roles have been exaggerated away of the point of equilibrium, since it seems absurd that youngsters are benefitted by their uneducated behaviours and parents are not benefitted by conformists youngsters without self initiative.
In terms of genetic interests according with the Trivers theory of parent-offspring conflict, it does make some evolutionary sense:
In terms of genetic interests according with the Trivers theory of parent-offspring conflict, it does make some evolutionary sense:
In the study of the parent-offspring relationships , Trivers reason about the conflict that appears because 50% of the genes are deferment between each child and each one of his parents. Trivers successfully explain, trough this conflict, the different behaviour of the parent with his brothers in contrast with the disinterest of their childrens for their uncles. Brothers share 50% of the genes, while nephews share only 25% with their uncles. The adolescent revolt can also be understood according with this theory. Upon coming on age, the reproductive interests of male children and their parents diverge. The parents will try to force the son to spend more time helping his brothers, while is in the interests of the adolescent to look for potential mates to have his own offspring. he can potentially have more children than brothers, while females, since they have long pregnancies, can not, at least until their parents are old.
Another example of parent-offsprint conflict is the gestational diabetes. It is caused by the fetus, that try to extract as much resources from the mother´s blood as possible. The genes that generate this hormonal attack are inherited from the father.
According with the parent-offspring conflict theory, the parents could be more interested in stable relations of their sons with other sons of good families. This end up in the benefit of the brothers. That is in the direct interest of the fathers. But the sons also are benefitted by this policy when applied to his brothers. But the parents may also benefit from the increase of fitness of their sons when they increase his own fitness trough risky behaviour. At last, more and better offspring for the sons means more grandchildren for the fathers. There is no reason for such acute specialisation in the context of the parent offspring conflict. The alimentary behaviour of children could be a case of parent-offspring conflict of strategies. But, unlike in the case of risky teenager sexual behaviour there is no apparent benefit for a child or adolescent in eating a disproportionate amount of sugars and carbohidrates. Not in a normal environment. What is missing here?
I will show that the dynamic of this equilibrium is adaptive for the success of all the familly individuals, and thus, it may be considered an internal mechanism for achieving an optimal reproductive strategy within the family. It is a collaboration via conflict. In algorithmic terms, I will give some hints to view this conflict as a computation for a maximization of the family success carried out with the minimum level of information and computational resources.This approach , unlike the Trivers theory of parent-offspring conflict, or the Symons theory of moderation, permits to explain also the nutritional behaviour of children
The missing part in the explanation can be in a wider mechanism that end up in a economic computation for the optimal strategy that is good in the long term for the family as a whole; The generations of a family, must respond to different environments. To respond optimally to each of these circumstances the developmental program encoded in the genetic pool of the family, that include the brain development, must accept a continuum of strategies. In situation of scarcity and uncertainty, short term strategies of survival and reproduction are needed, while in conditions of relative abundance, long term strategies are more successful. The critical elements of the family are the offspring, that are much more prone to die in stressful situations. It is simpler and easier in evolutionary terms that the children to carry a innate short term strategy by default. In case of scarcity, lack of attention, death of the parents etc, they will have not the educative effect of his parent towards long term strategies. In extreme cases, the children can survive and reproduce with their default short term strategies (1)
The taste for sugar and carbohidrates in the childhood is a very short term strategy. these aliments give instant energy. In the other side, to eat proteins and vegetables is a long term strategy because they are structural food for growth, so their benefits are delayed. The same happens with mate choice : a good looking couple guaranty the conception of children with the best genes he can afford, without regard for the long term problems of child rearing alone. In the other side, a couple with a probable longer commitment and resources can help in the rearing of offspring, but this is harder to find or maybe impossible in an ambient of uncertainty.
When parents have resources and time to educate their children, usually they repress the short term strategies and reorient them towards more long term ones. So the confrontation of parent long-term biased education and the children innate short term orientation is a simple mechanism for obtaining the optimum equilibrium in each environment. at the same time, both strategies are simple. No one of both sides need a complicated evaluation of the environment. is the conflict between both strategies of parents and children the mechanism that reach a optimum.
Then the decisive parameter in the personality if the future adult lies in the time and effort of the parents into the repression of the short term strategies. In environments where the parents have to work hard and/or they have no time for the children, the children will have a short term oriented personality, with drug abuse, alcoholism, early sex, gang affiliation, little support for delayed gratification, abandonment of studies etc.
This has no correlation with the socio economic level. Children of rich and poor people will be antisocial if their parents, or some other adults, don´t invest time in repressing their short term strategies.. Just the dedication of the adults to the children is the crucial parameter. Therefore, the modern liberal self indulgent "leave it alone" model of education is also catastrophic for the personality of the children. This is in accordance with what is observed by psychologists today.
Then the decisive parameter in the personality if the future adult lies in the time and effort of the parents into the repression of the short term strategies. In environments where the parents have to work hard and/or they have no time for the children, the children will have a short term oriented personality, with drug abuse, alcoholism, early sex, gang affiliation, little support for delayed gratification, abandonment of studies etc.
This has no correlation with the socio economic level. Children of rich and poor people will be antisocial if their parents, or some other adults, don´t invest time in repressing their short term strategies.. Just the dedication of the adults to the children is the crucial parameter. Therefore, the modern liberal self indulgent "leave it alone" model of education is also catastrophic for the personality of the children. This is in accordance with what is observed by psychologists today.
The smile of the parents when his son exhibit his short term strategies despite their own repression, for example, when the child lies while playing, shows how this game of equilibrium is pleasant for the parents because the equilibrium is understood as such. The same good appreciation of the conflict appears in the children when he feel frustrated but later satisfied when he complete his homework because his parents demanded it to do so.
Published for the first time here:
(1) Here the family must be understood as a subject of evolution, under the multilevel-selection theory, that is a superset of the neodarwinian syntesis. According with multilevel selection, natural selection operates simultaneously at many sub-individual and super-individual levels. There is natural selection among the molecules, genes, organulles, cells and tissues of an individual, and there is selection among famillies, companies in the market, sport clubs, scientist in research, and societies in collaboration and conflict among them. Competition in a level becomes collaboration at a superior level that make use of the products of this competition if the deletereous (bad) conflicts are supressed and the creative competition is permitted. Since an unit of selection has inside smallers units in competition, it need a mechanism of deletereous internal conflict supression. It would be long to demonstrate that the clans where the humans evolved were a good candidates for being units of selection, since we are talking about a discipline that is just developping now. This is my contribution. super-individual selection under multilevel selection is studied and explained by the new group-selection theory.
Saludos MemeticWarrior. Bastante interesante lo que comenta. Aunque se centra más en el tema de estrategias reproductivas que en la crianza, tal vez le resulte interesante la siguiente tesis:
ResponderEliminarPS: Le mande un mensaje a través de Twitter, por cierto. El artículo que adjunta en no esta disponible, le agradecería un enlace válido.
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias. Ahora si es accesible. Google docs ha hecho todos mis documentos públicos, privados otra vez.
No creo que las tesis neodarwinistas sean fruto de sesgos ideologicos, Al contrario, Dawkins y Trivers por ejemplo, son muy de Izquierdas. Es simplemente una interpretación incompleta, pero no incorrecta, que por cierto E O. Wilson, el fundador de la sociobiología, ha reconocido (Por ejemplo, en el ultimo link que enlazo en el post).
La teoría de la selección multinivel y la nueva teoría de selección de grupos es más completa y completa lo que el NeoDarwinismo no puede explicar, pero no creo que lo refute.
Si quieres charlar sobre el asunto, enviame un correo.
Un saludo.
No he encontrado un correo de contacto. Le dejo el mío por si me quiere responder y continuamos la conversación por ese medio. lordkognar(arroba)
ResponderEliminarAdelanto que soy estudiante de matemáticas y apenas empiezo a introducirme en las teorías evolutivas. Es probable que tenga confusiones conceptuales y demás.
Sobre la tesis que te pase, te adelanto que no tengo especial interés en defenderla. Me pareció interesante y por ello te la enlace, no creo que pretenda arremeter contra la síntesis extendida de la evolución, se centra más en las argumentaciones entorno al sexo y las estrategias reproductivas humanas, en el plano de la psicología evolucionista y la sociobiología.
Te paso un extracto, a ver que opinas:
"La irrupción de la sociobiología en los años setenta
provocó una violenta reacción de la «izquierda» del
evolucionismo. Gould, Lewontin y otros proclamaron que la
sociobiología pretendía ofrecer una justificación
adaptacionista de la injusticia social, el racismo y el
sexismo, y la acusaron de ser una versión moderna de la misma
filosofía que inspiró las políticas eugenésicas que
desembocaron en los campos de exterminio nazis. No puede
negarse que la utilización ideológica del darwinismo tiene un
amplio y sombrío historial, y que la sociobiología es un campo
abonado para ello. Pero el que un programa de investigación sea
peligroso o políticamente incorrecto no significa que sea
científicamente espurio. La física nuclear ha demostrado
sobradamente su peligrosidad, pero ello no le resta ninguna
validez científica.
Por supuesto, la sociobiología es una disciplina mucho más
«blanda» que la física nuclear, cosa que la hace mucho más
susceptible de deformación ideológica. Aun así, pienso que la
ciencia espuria debe refutarse respetando las reglas del juego
científico (tal como pretendo hacer en esta tesis) y no
descalificarse sobre la base de prejuicios ideológicos. Por eso
me propongo refutar los argumentos adaptacionistas inadecuados
mediante contraargumentos igualmente adaptacionistas.
La sexualidad humana merece un capítulo aparte. La
naturalización de la conducta sexual humana y las relaciones
entre varones y mujeres sobre la base de argumentos
adaptacionistas simplistas que las explican como consecuencia
de diferencias innatas entre las naturalezas masculina y
femenina ha sido justamente cuestionada por los antropólogos
culturales. Pero las objeciones de estos críticos tienden a ser
más ideológicas que científicas. Este tipo de crítica, que
apenas incide en la componente estrictamente darwinista del
discurso sociobiológico, ha tenido poco impacto entre los
biólogos profesionales (salvo los antiadaptacionistas
declarados). Pero un análisis evolucionista riguroso y profundo
de las relaciones sociales entre los sexos no tiene por qué
entrañar un determinismo genético rígido, ni conducir a
conclusiones sustentadoras del statu quo, como me propongo
demostrar en las páginas que siguen."
Otro extracto:
Eliminar"Otro factor que ha distorsionado la interpretación de la
evolución de las estrategias reproductivas es la tendencia de
los seleccionistas génicos a traducir el individualismo al
nivel génico en individualismo al nivel organísmico. Este sesgo
ideológico ha contribuido a enfatizar el antagonismo y a
rebajar la cooperación «honrada» entre los progenitores. Así,
se ha argumentado que la estrategia óptima para el macho casi
nunca es igualmente óptima para la hembra, y viceversa. En los
capítulos que siguen criticaré extensamente la idea de la
existencia de un conflicto de intereses fundamental entre los
sexos. Si se piensa que la reproducción sexual obliga a los
individuos a depender de otros individuos (usualmente de sexo
complementario) para perpetuar sus genes, la evolución de la
cooperación entre los progenitores no me parece más
problemática que la evolución de la cooperación entre
individuos genéticamente emparentados. En ambos casos se trata
de propagar los propios genes de la mejor manera posible. Así
como el altruismo aparente de los individuos que se sacrifican
por sus parientes puede justificarse mediante el argumento
adaptacionista de una aptitud inclusiva aumentada, considero
que la evolución de estrategias reproductoras aparentemente
subóptimas para uno de los dos progenitores es igualmente
justificable en términos de selección génica. Quiero remarcar,
por lo tanto, que no pretendo cuestionar el programa
adaptacionista como tal. Una cosa son los sesgos ideológicos y
los errores metodológicos de los adaptacionistas y otra muy
distinta que el adaptacionismo sea inadecuado como método de
razonamiento evolucionista. En consonancia con esta postura, mi
crítica de las justificaciones incorrectas de rasgos y
comportamientos presuntamente adaptativos se basará en
contraargumentos igualmente adaptacionistas."
Si, lo lei cuando me pasaste el link.
EliminarEn realidad está en lo correcto, pero lo que el autor ve sesgos ideológicos son en realidad producto de una interpretación incompleta, aunque la mejor disponible en su momento: la teoría sintetica neodarwinista.
También hay que tener en cuenta que escribe desde la Universidad y el orientarlo de esa forma le habrá evitado algún problema con la línea ideologica de la UAB.
Por cierto, si estudias matematicas y te interesa al teoría de juegos y la psicología evolucionista.
aqui tienes un link a articulos mios sobre ello
Bastante interesante. Últimamente lo que más me está interesando (en matemáticas) es la teoría de control, la teoría de la información, las ciencias de la computación en general. La teoría de juegos es algo en lo que apenas he profundizado.
ResponderEliminarRespecto del artículo que me comentas, creo que hay un problema con el equilibrio de Nash. Y es que una parte de la moral es social (y cooperativa). De todas formas es una intersección que puede ser fértil analizar.
PS: Si tuviera a bien, me gustaría que me aconsejara bibliografía para introducirme en lo más novedoso en evolucionismo y PE. ¿Cuáles son las discusiones actuales y las líneas de investigación y análisis que se están barajando actualmente?
Quiero decir que el juego que modelaría una parte de la moral no es no-cooperativo sino cooperativo (contractual, consensual).
ResponderEliminarPS: Hablando de moral, ¿tiene base la división que hace Hayek ( sobre niveles de moralidad —base en PE, me refiero— y que relación tiene con lo que comenta Jonathan Haidt en su "Moral Foundations Theory"?
Pero un acuerdo que genera un contrato, del tipo que sea, es la parte final y estable de un conflicto previo de intereses, llevado a cabo de una forma pacifica o violenta. Indistintamente.
ResponderEliminarAsi es como se forman también los precios, por ejemplo. El equilibrio de formación de los precios es teoría de juegos y el equilibrio es de Nash: ninguna de las partes estaría mejor con cualquier otra alternativa, porque el primero no lo puede vender mas caro, y el segundo, no lo puede comprar mas barato. Lo mismo ocurre con los contratos "sociales" , de pareja etc.
En cuanto a literatura, lo mas reciente es lo que linko en los posts sobre multilevel selection y selección de grupos. Otros tendrán otras preferencias.
Michod tiene desarrollada bastante matemática sobre el particular. Un libro que cubre el debate ideológico muy bien es uno de Steven Pinker "La tabla rasa".